Words fail me whenever it comes to eulogizing those that brought me joy and laughter as a child, so I'll let Cyndi Lauper do it for me:
Capt Lou and I became famous together. He always made me laugh. He made all that promotion we did so much fun. He graced me with a lot of video performances that I will always treasure. He was a great, gregarious, hilarious fellow who had this lovable presence. I was lucky to work by his side. I will always look back on our absolute hilarious times and the magical world of Wrestling he introduced me to and shared for that brief time. As he said, he took me up the charts from 10, to 5, to 4 to 1, to minus 5 back up to 1 again. And it was great fun too.
So let me just say this; I love ya Lou and I can picture you up there somewhere explaining that PEG principle to someone. Or maybe you're having a good laugh with Freddie Blassie. But where ever you are, I am sure you are causing a hilarious rucuss. And I will be sad to miss out on that."
- Cyndi Lauper " - from cyndilauper.com

"The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" was a single released by singer Cyndi Lauper for The Goonies, a 1985 film which was released at the same time as this single.
A rarity
Before its inclusion on The Essential Cyndi Lauper in 2003, the song was considered a rarity among fans, having never appeared on any of Lauper's albums or the 1995 compilation Twelve Deadly Cyns...and Then Some. Lauper admitted in an interview with Matthew Rettenmund for his 1996 book Totally Awesome 80s: A Lexicon of the Music, Videos, Movies, TV Shows, Stars, and Trends of that Decadent Decade that she hated the song, which was why she had chosen not to include it on her first compilation.
All versions of the UK edition are considered rare, especially the 12".
The song has been covered by a few artists, such as Bombones, Haruko Momoi, New Found Glory, and Tomoyuki Uchida. The song was also featured as an instrumental version in Pop'n Music 10.
There was also a two-part video shot for this song featuring World Wrestling Federation pro-wrestlers André the Giant, Captain Lou Albano, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Wendy Richter, The Fabulous Moolah, The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, Freddie Blassie; Steven Spielberg; The Goonies cast (except for Kerri Green, Anne Ramsey, Joe Pantoliano, Robert Davi and John Matuszak); and the relatively unknown Bangles as a group of female pirates. Roseanne Barr appears as the "sea hag". Lauper's mother appears as "Cyndi's mother", reprising her role from "Girls Just Want to Have Fun".
According to Cyndi Lauper, the music video was less than an enjoyable experience. Richard Donner, apparently, was a pushy director and wanted things done a certain way and forced Lauper to keep going, even when she was exhausted. In a behind-the-scenes documentary of the video, you can see Donner being pushy and doing lots of takes on scenes.
Part 1 of the video debuted on MTV before The Goonies opened in theaters and Part 2 premiered on MTV after the movie opened. On the DVD of The Goonies, both parts have been spliced together to form one video with no chapter change in the middle of the two. Part 1 of the music video had an extended version released in Japan. The version included more commentary from the voice over during the opening sequence of the video and extended scenes inside the gas station and with the wrestlers.
Both parts of the video are included as a bonus feature on the DVD release of The Goonies. The first part of the video almost did not make it on the DVD. According to sources, Warner was unable to locate a decent print of Part 1 and was only going to use Part 2 for the DVD release, but someone at VH1 found an unused tape of the video and they digitized it for the DVD just in time.
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